Someone reached out to “Howl of a Dog,” an animal rescue organization, to inform them about a sick dog living on Romania’s streets. The said pup had been living in the area for months all by herself. The locals somehow considered the stray as part of the neighborhood and helped her survive by feeding her their leftovers.
But the people started to chase her away when they saw that the dog’s condition worsened because of the disease called mange. Mange is an illness among animals most familiar with dogs, caused by infection from parasitic mites. This infection makes the skin itchy and inflamed and makes it more irritated when the animals scratch it.
The team went to where the dog stayed and approached her carefully so she won’t run away. They offered her some treats, which the stray happily obliged, and waited to let her feel that they came to help her. When they earned the pup’s trust, they slowly put a leash on her and carried her into their car.
The rescuers decided to name the stray Heidi and drove to their facilities with her to treat her. They discovered that Heidi’s whole body was covered with thick and hard crusts from the mange and made her skin looked like stone. She had a pungent smell and ticks on the softer areas of her body, like her ears.
Heidi was taken to the vet to have her looked at and was given medication and instructions on treating her skin infection, which they all followed. After many medicated baths, Heidi’s skin condition improved, and she had fur growing back again. After over a month, they revisited the clinic and received confirmation that the infection and the mange all cleared up.
Thanks to the rescuers’ efforts, Heidi has now recovered and is now living a mange-free life. They helped Heidi with her itchy problem, but she still needs a family who can welcome her into their home. Watch Heidi’s journey to a mange-free life and learn how to adopt dogs like her in the video below.
Credits: Howl of a Dog