Captain is a 115-pound Great Pyrenees that loves the great outdoors. There is nothing that makes him happier than being able to jump and run full speed in open spaces. When he got to his full size, his previous owners couldn’t handle him anymore. He was just too active for them and couldn’t keep him inside their home.
So they surrendered him to the Woods Humane Society, a nonprofit organization that operates a shelter in San Luis Obispo County.
Adopted and returned
Because of his affectionate character, Captain quickly became a favorite in the shelter. The volunteers and staff regularly take him out of his kennel to play with him because they realized that being cooped inside made him unhappy.
Soon enough, a family fell in love with him and submitted their application for his adoption. But barely three months later, the same family took him back to the shelter. They just couldn’t keep up with him. For the next few months, potential adopters would meet Captain and fall for his charms. But because he was too large and energetic for them, they wouldn’t adopt him.
A year after he was first surrendered, he finally met the family that would accept him for what he was.
A new home
An elderly couple named Bruce and Brigitte wanted a playmate for their mini dachshund named Guinnie. They felt that she was getting lonely and a new dog might make her happy. So they started looking online for a dog that they could adopt.
When Bruce saw Captain’s video on the shelter’s Facebook page, he knew that he found the perfect dog. he had a house with a huge back yard and he could already see the large dog playing there. The couple talked about it and decided to give him a visit.
Bruce and Captain was a perfect match. From the moment they met, they played like they were old friends. Bruce even got down in the yard and started crawling with the loving dog. he said that Captain would be his retirement buddy.
But the final decision rested on Guinnie. If they didn’t get along well then they couldn’t adopt Captain. Thankfully, the two went just fine and the decision was set. The shelter dog was going home with them that day.
Captain flourished in his new home. He had enough space to run and a family that truly loves him. he spends most of his days running, eating, and sleeping, And of course, playing with little Guinnie.
Source: The Dodo via Youtube